Need More Life in Your Homeschool? Do you feel like your homeschooling has hit the wall? Or maybe you have hit the wall?! Tired of boring? Would you like to engage your children more? You're not alone!
Have you been wondering how to get your 5th grader and your sophomore excited about learning at the same time? Heidi will teach you this wonderful skill using the "show'n tell" approach. Notebooking is easy, flexible and fun. Not only is it a wonderful to learn, you are creating a record of your child's work at the same time. Heidi will have plenty of examples for you to look at and resources to take home. Don't miss it!
The St. Johns have been notebooking for several years and the result is that the children write more, learn better, and have a beautiful record of what they have learned at the end of the year. This is not a condemnation of workbooks (they do have their place) but rather it is an opportunity for you to discover a life-giving, truly interactive way of learning.
This is also a very hands-on workshop. Heidi will walk you through several approaches to notebooking and as she does, you will discover that there is a notebooker inside of you!
Please note: Heidi is not able to present this workshop unless she is driving to an event. Notebooks do not like to fly :)