"People Get Ready" Revelation Bible Study
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Set Apart.
That’s what we are called to be. If you claim the name of Jesus, Beloved, He wants you to live like you belong to Him. Doesn’t matter if there’s a pandemic, an election, a crisis—or worse yet—a life of ease. Most of the modern church fits in this “life of ease” category, and I would argue that it’s hurting us. When life is easy, we forget how “blind, naked and poor” we really are. When things are going great, we can forget that God is serious about sin.
But Women, we’re going to get a reminder.
For most of the seven churches of Revelation, the issue of living a “set apart” life really hung them up—and so, through the letters to the churches, Jesus puts them on notice. We should all be on notice, though, shouldn’t we? As I wrote this study, my heart wandered into a thousand different scenarios. I thought of my own life, and how easily I can fall into a pattern of laziness where my walk with God is concerned. It’s easy to do a cursory devotion and check it off my list—but the warfare we are engaged in requires more than that, Women. It requires dependence on the Holy Spirit. We need to learn to listen for His still, small voice.
Sometimes the pressure of “fitting in” with the world is overwhelming, isn’t it? But the Bible teaches that we are to stand firm in our faith, trusting God to provide and to take care of us. We are also to stand firm on the truth of God’s Word and not tolerate those who disregard and distort it. As we study this month, let’s ask God to help our hearts be open to what God wants to teach us as we work our way through Revelation.
There are some difficult things to cover in these passages—six of the seven seal judgments will remind us that judgment is coming, for example. But where there is judgment, there is also grace. Once again, we will look upon Jesus as the Lamb who was slain for our sin and who is worthy to open the scroll.
We’ll see multitudes of heavenly creatures bowing down before Him and we’ll get a glimpse into the glory of heaven. This world is not our home, Precious Friends. We are just passing through. While we are here, God says that it’s for a purpose. But what exactly is that purpose? The culture today is searching desperately for purpose. As we pursue our purpose, it’s easy to do it for our own glory—but God says, “Give Me the glory.” God has given us the incredible privilege of being mothers, so let me ask: is motherhood something we idolize? Do we care more about what people think of us than what God thinks? Is our purpose to gain money or recognition? If so, we are outside of God’s will and we’re missing His heart.
Women, when we seek to find our worth in anyone or anything but Christ, we will end up disappointed.
The Bible teaches us that our purpose is to please God. When we do what is pleasing to God, it is a glorious experience—because as His creation, we exist to do the work of our Creator. When we do things only for ourselves, we are left empty. We were designed to worship God.
I pray that our hearts are moved to be more like Jesus. I pray that we’ll hear His voice and long to spend time in His presence, knowing that He delights in us, His special creation. One day, He’ll come back and make things right. In the meantime. let’s live like we’re leaving. Because we are.
Seeking a City to Come,
Heidi St. John
**You are getting a 14 week DIGITAL Bible Study in a 5 day/week format, about 25 pages per week.